Saturday 30 March 2013

I Can't Decide Wether It's More ANNOYING, Or AMUSING When People Suddenly Decide Out Of The Blue To Promote A Cause.
A Cause They Previously Displayed No Interest In Whatsoever.
Suddenly They Busy Themselves With Clogging Up Facebook With Dramatic And Lengthy Posts Of Heartfelt Appeals Demanding The Injustices Be Stopped.
The Same Injustices They Didn't Care About Less Than 2 Days Ago.
I Even Know Someone Who Posts Pictures Of Tortured Animals, Pleading With People To Sign Petitions That Do NOTHING,... Followed Immediately By Pictures Of Him Holding A Dead Fish By The Gills And Posing Happily For The Camera.

I Don't Have A Problem With People Who Genuinely Support A Cause, But It's The People Who Suddenly Decide Out Of The Blue That They Are Vegetarians, And That EVERYONE Else Should Be Too, That Really Fuck Me Off.

It's Not About Bolstering Your Moral Fortitude....
It's About Creating A Feeling Of Exclusivity
It's NOTHING To Do With The Cause And EVERYTHING To Do With Them Finding A Way To Access A Way Of Feeling Superior To Others.

Its FAR More Inspiring For ME To Find Out YOU Are A Vegetarian, Than For YOU To Wank On About It Unmercifully Til I Just Want To Find A Panda And Eat It's Face.
So For The Love Of God, If YOU Suddenly Decide You Are Going To Stand For A Cause,.... That's Great, But Don't Force It Down Other People's Throat,.. Just DO It.
Set An Example By Shutting Your FUCKING Mouth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(P.S - I've Decided It's More ANNOYING Than AMUSING)