Saturday 3 November 2012

Don't You HATE It When You Make A Mess & Then Have To Clean It Up?!
I Mean One Of Those HUGE Filthy Shambles With Broken Pieces Everywhere.
The Sort Of Mess Where The Ratio Of Things Left Unbroken Or Untidy Is LESS Than The Things That Are Unmessy.
To The Point Where You Seriously Consider Knocking Over Whatever Is Left, Just To Make It 100% Ruined.

It Must Be Worse When That Mess Is An Actual Person.
Worse Even, When You Are The Mother Of That Actual Person.
But Even More Worse Even Still, When You Are The Neighbour To That Person.
Nobody Ever Thinks Of The Neighbour To The Human Mess That Lives Next Door.

Unlike His Mother...I Never Agreed To His Existence.
Yet I Still Have To Endure His Defective Taste In 'Music' And The Endless Procession Of Loud Cars Belonging To The Trail Of Zombie-Like Addicts Going Up And Down The Driveway At All Hours Of The Night To Buy Meth. - Apparently He Even Lacks The Cerebral Fortitude Necessary To Realize That Having A Fence Does NOT Block Out His Voice In The Middle Of The Night.

To Look At This Person, You Would Immediately Associate Some Deep Form Of Mongolism With Him.
From The Knuckles Scraping Along The Ground, To The Deep Cro-Mag/Caveman Brow

In One Of My More Compassionate Moments I Considered Going Over There And Trying To Be Someone He Could Open Up To.
Someone To Help Him Delve Into His Own Mind And Sort Out Some Forgotten Childhood Trauma.

But Approaching This Person Is Simply Out Of The Question For A Number Of Reasons:
1) - I Speak English, Using Reason & Logic, With The Intent Of Coming To A Resolution
(Whereas He Speaks In Grunts Using Monosyllabic Communication With The Intent Of Breaking Into My House When I'm Not Here To Steal My Possessions)

2) - His Addiction To The Cheapest And Nastiest Street Drugs Have Eaten Away At The Portion Of His Brain That Processes Thought And Tells Him That Firing His Shotgun Into The Park At Night Time Is A Great Idea.

3) - His Paranoia Has Him Setting Up A Camera For His Driveway, So In Case The Police Show Up He Has An Extra 4 Seconds To Make A Getaway.
(It Didn't Seem To Work Last Night When I Looked Out The Window At 4 In The Morning To Find Their House Swarming With Cops)
Either He Is Completely Paranoid, Or Is Doing Something SO Illegal That It Warrants Having A Deadbolt On His Bedroom Door

4) - Read 1 & 2 Again.

I've Done An Admirable Job Avoiding This Person And Can Proudly Say That After 2 Years (Since His Last Stint In Prison,..I'm Positive He'll Be Back Soon) I Have Managed To Escape Any Conversation/Meeting. - This Has Been Made Difficult By The Fact That His Mother Loves My Family And Would Love Us To Have More To Do With Her/Him/Them.

It's Strange When People Die Isn't It?.
Suddenly Assholes Are Given A Slightly More Dashing Version Of Their History.
Someone Who Is Plainly A Cunt, Is Suddenly 'Misunderstood' - Someone With Anger Problems Is Now 'Moody' & 'Brooding'
There Have Been 3 People I Have Known Personally That Have Died, And When They Passed I Shrugged My Shoulders And Gone 'I Didn't Like Them Anyway'
I'm Sad For The People That Loved Them, But It Seems Impossible For Me To Pretend They Were Any Better Than They Were In Life.

The Gorilla Next Door Is Someone I Can See Who Will Either Be Killed, Or Will Commit Suicide And I Literally Do Not Care.
I'm Not Saying That With Anger, More Of A Perceptive Calculation.
There Is Nowhere That Person Can Go, Without HIM Always Being There.

This Guy Has Been In Prison For Most Of His Life, And In My Opinion Is Simply Waiting To Go Back.
He Has Been FULLY Conditioned To Jail Life And Is Currently Lost In The 'Real World'
Jail Is For People Who Have Trouble With Ego, Bravado, Physical Violence, Threats And Crime - So If You Go To Jail, Its Filled With People Who Celebrate Ego, Bravado, Physical Violence, Threats And Crime. - Depending On How Long You Are In Jail For Will Depend On How Ingrained These Things Are And If You Don't Have The Mental Capacity To Understand Simple Self-Awareness You Will Not Comprehend How To Live Life Without These Despicable Glorified Traits

His Entire Story To Me, Is Similar To The Feeling Of Reading A Book That Is Annoying And Shallow, But You Finish It Anyway Just For The Feeling Of Completion
Almost Like Holding Your Breath Til It Ends.

I Wonder If I'll Read This When He Dies And Feel Differently?

There Aren't Many People Who's Lives Could Be Improved By Suicide, But He Is Certainly One.

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