Wednesday 27 February 2013

The Day I Met Ripper Owens...

8-30pm Addy and i arrive at the Kings arms, there are a few people walking in to the place and some hanging outside.
Addy decides to stay in the car and try to have a rest while i wait outside in case Ripper walks out of the venue.
After a few minutes Mike Barclay arrives, entourage in tow.
We chat for a while, Addy joins us.
They go inside and Addy and i wait outside for the man with the voice.
Ollie walks past and i greet him and ask if Ripper has arrived yet.
He says...
"Nah im just off to pick him up....wanna come?"
I leap to attention... addy and i jump into the van.
We are now on our way to pick up Tim - The Ripper - Owens from the hotel.
I keep expecting to wake up at ANY moment. - I hear Addy saying ''I don't know how you do it,.. you tinny bugger!!"
We wait as Ollie goes in (Long hair, scruffy beard) walking through the glittering golden shiny doors and chuckle.
He comes back and we wait.

10 minutes later,.. Ripper walks out of the Shiny hotel, gear in tow.
Opens the side door of the van and loads his bag into he seat, greeting us casually.
I wait for him to get seated and comfortable before introducing myself and letting him have it.

I tell him that it was me that tagged him in my post that he replied to last night,.... he pretends to remember.
I tell him that he doesn't know it, but its actually our 14th year anniversary,.. that i've been with him since Winters Bane.
I mention that i even have the Brainicide demo's to which he is sufficiently impressed and starts to warm to me.
He tells me that hes still friends with the guys, and i say ''great, you can re-record the demo's!'' and he agrees, adding that some of that stuff was beyond it's time, and that he'd really like to.

We start talking about Winters Bane, and i try to convey JUST how much i LOVE the album, pointing out that Night Shade (My Favourite Song) isn't on the bonus disc, to which he furrows his brow in confusion, i hand him the CD and he scans it saying 'Oh.... that's weird!', while he has the cd, i hand him a pan and plead with him to sign it, he smiles, and says yeah sure.

I mention Lou St Paul, the guitarist from Winters Bane and my disappointment with the second album, i remember saying that "it just didn't take me where i needed to go'' and ask if there is any chance of a reunion, as i have heard he is 'temperamental' he pauses and says that Lou is a bit of a 'Rock Star',. we laugh and he adds that he has a family now and its difficult making room for the band when it isn't your 'job' - But... that he had always thought about doing a 'Heart Of A Killer' part 2,........a prequel!

I heartily agree and congratulate him on the excellent idea he just had.
By this time we've already arrived back at the venue, i plead for a photo and he happily obliges.
I thank him,.. he goes about his business, and Addy and i laugh at everything that just happened.

Fully satisfied we enter the venue and go straight to the shirts, only to see signed versions of Live Meltdown and Jugulator for sale also!!!
(the 2 cd's that were mysteriously absent that i wanted to get signed before i left home!)
I figured my personally signed Winters Bane was far better than the ones on offer and decide to just get a shirt.

We make our way to the outside seated area, and start casually chatting and laughing.
The other bands are playing, one after the other and eventually Mike Barclay spots us, sits down and takes us on long winding stories, fueled with alcohol the stories seem to be void of any particular destination, we endure them politely.
As this takes place a scruffy guy sits down, apparently having mis-heard part of our conversation and adds, i don't think your vocals were 'that' bad,.. i say 'thanks', and he asks/tells me to sing something, i see that he's actually quite drunk and hit him with a delightful version of 'Tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree'
He is not impressed.

I start to get the feeling the guy thinks im somebody im not.
I put this to him, and he squints at me and meekly mentions some band name.
I take great joy in telling him that i'm actually just 'some guy'

Mike picks up the conversation, something about going to the front to mosh and i say its not my scene, i just don't like it.
Drunky drunk guy tell me to 'get hard' and i tell him to take his top off and see where we go from there.
The guy looks at me like i'm from mars, then gradually joins the dots and smirks.

World war four are playing in the back, and Mike is off on a tangent, i hear every 5th word and try to join in with a 'yeah'...'true?!'...'No way!'
In my head i'm still in the van with Ripper.

Eventually....we hear some drums being mic-ed and decide to shuffle on in.
We take up residence at the back and prepare ourselves as best we can.

The drums kick off into Painkiller, and i am thrilled to hear every beat where it should be.
Having heard that the backing band were possibly not up to scratch, i soon notice that these guys are good.
Actually REALLY good! - I start grinning and start to drift off in my own little world.
- A Pig In Shit. -

After Painkiller, there was Burn In Hell which sounded awesome! -  then... (as far as i remember)
Scream Machine
The Ripper
Blood Stained
Victim Of Changes
Diamonds And Rust
Stand Up And Shout

Then he announced the next song by saying:
"You know when i was picked up from the hotel tonight, there was a fan waiting for me who told me he loved Winters Bane..where is he?
I SCREAM from the back and he goes 'oh, i would have thought you'd be at the front"
I immediately feel stink, like i should have been up the front.
Then he adds, its ok, the sound is better from back there anyway.
I immediately feel better!
He then says they don't usually perform this song but this one is for my buddy back there!

I scream myself hoarse, harmonizing the low parts to his high parts and trying to match the high screams.
I tear up a bit with a massive grin trying to remember if i've ever felt this good?!

At the end i salute him and he nods at me.

They then kick off into 'I am a Viking' by malmsteen, only to cut it into Rising Force!
A double whammy! - Nice one!
then The Human Race, then a ballady one i don't remember.
Wild Desert Plains
When The Eagle Cries
Mob Rules

Then they said thank you and left the stage, only to come back and do an encore, but silly Timmy forgot he's the singer and picked up the guitar, and they kicked into 'Living After Midnight' . - Tim played (under the watchful eye of the widdly guitarist who was nice enough to slide Tim's hand to the right frets) the whole song, and even the solo! - It was cool to see!
Then, they finished with Heaven And Hell.
As the audience screamed with delight Tim took off his hat, like he was about to throw it into the audience,...blocked the light from his eyes with his hand and pointed at ME. - I stood for a moment in absolute disbelief, before charging STRAIGHT through the endless wall of people,.. chanting ''sorry, excuse me, sorry excuse me'' til i arrived at the front row, i looked up to him and we bumped fists, and he handed me his hat, remarking 'sorry i spilt some beer on it'
I think i said something but i have literally no recollection of it,... i hope i was polite.
(i vaguely remember Mike Barclay staring at me as i took the hat like a unicorn had just flown out of my ass)

As i made my way back to Addy, everyone was looking at me, as if Ripper and i had our own 'In' joke that no-one else was part of.
I felt people trying to figure out who i was, as i was obviously someone of great importance, to be singled out by ripper twice.
I got back to Add,...and he was laughing at me.... so was i.

Then... Neil from Merrhis's work came up to me and handed me a Ripper pick, saying that he saw them the night before and was handed a bunch.
I thank him profusely, and as we leave, as if i hadn't got enough,.. i took a poster from the wall before turning to Mike Barclay and saying 'I wonder if i have enough to build my OWN Ripper at home?!?"


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