Thursday 25 April 2013


SO... It's Anzac Day.
The Day We Pay Homage To All The Fallen Hero's Who Served In Combat To Protect Our 'Way Of Life'.
I Shouldn't Really Have A Problem With That.
Yet I Have A Residual Uneasy Feeling.

I Have A Huge Problem With People Being Killed
And I Have A Problem With The Dashing Connotation Of Glory Within The Military.
The Army, Navy, And Any Other Faction That Involves Training With Weapons To Fight On Behalf Of Your Country.

In The Distant Past, During Times Of War The Public Were Called Upon To Fight For The Region They Loved And To Offer Their Lives If Necessary.
To Inspire A Willingness To Forfeit Their Lives The Leaders Fabricated Psychological Aids With Which To Increase The Level Of Personal Attachment Of The Soldiers To Their Home.
To Combat Sensible Thought, Every Country Introduced An Initiative To Make The Patriot Swell With Pride From The Inside To Ensure He Would GLADLY Die In Battle 'For His Country'

The Key To Successfully Initiating A Set Of Subtle Mind-Control Techniques, Is To Cover The Senses With A Suggestion Until The Mind Perceives It On Several Levels As A Positive Notion.
To Get People To Commit 'Honourable' Murder Is A Multi-Step Hypnosis,
Where Every Sense Is Bombarded With Information As To Why Killing Others Is A Positive Act Of Valour.
First, Is The Visual Side... Something That Can Be Looked At And Instill An Instant Swelling Of Pride.
THAT, Is Why Every Country Has A National Flag. (It Also Works For Sports, Music, & Advertising)

Next, Is Something People Can Hear And Immediately Associate Their Home With A Sound.
THAT Is Why Every Country Has A National Anthem.

When People Roleplay, The Disassociation From Their Normal Conduct Is Magnified When Inside A Costume.
THAT Is Why There Are Uniforms, With Trinkets Of 'Honour' (Medals) To Help Manipulate The Perception Of Combat To Be A Positive Experience Filled With Opportunity And Glory.
Instead Of The Mass Sanctioned Murder It ACTUALLY Is.

The Military Will Tell You They Make Everyone Do Things In Unison To Promote A Cohesiveness Within The Minds Of The Officers.
It Also Promotes Thoughtless Compliance And Unquestioning Allegiance To Those Who Command These Zombies Safely Away From Combat,... From Behind A Desk.

If You Are Still Reading This, And You Have People You Have Lost Through Warfare,.. Im Truly Sorry.
I'm Not Saying Your Person's Life Was Worthless
It Makes Me Sad To Think Of All The Good People That Have Been Lost Through All The Needless Wars Throughout The History Of The Earth.
There Has Been No Freedom Won That Could Not Have Been Attained Through Peaceful Means.
The Human Instinct To Leap To A Reactionary Stance Once A Perceived Threat Arrives Has Been Capitalized On By The Shepard's Of Consciousness Since The Beginning Of Time.
Nefarious Leaders Throughout History Have Even Said Outright That People Are FAR Easier To Control When They Are Frightened, Because Their Actions Become Predictable.

Mankind Needs To Realize That There Are A Range Of Options When Confronted With A Perceived Attack.
If EVERYONE Put Their Weapons Down There Would Be No Need To Fight.
There Is NOTHING Stronger Than A People Acting In Unison With An Absolute Respect For Life, And Viewing The Killing Of Someone Else As The Horrific Act Is ACTUALLY IS.

I Have No Respect For The Ranks, Or Decorations Of The Military Service,..
Only Sympathy.
Sympathy That The Level Of Indoctrination From Politics, Media And The Middle Ages Have Forced Themselves Upon The Psyche Of The People Serving Today,
Innocent People Who Are Oblivious To The Hypnosis They Are Under,... Future Corpses.

There Is NO Excuse For Taking Someone Else's Life.
There Are NO War 'Heroes'... Merely Survivors, And Victims Of War.

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