Saturday 6 October 2012

There Is A Mind-Numbingly Aggravating Phenomenon Occurring In The World, Even As I Type.
It Involves The Use Of Scissors And The Hair Of Fashionably Challenged Males.
It Is A Particular Style Of Haircut That I Am Physically Unable To Endure.
At First I Found It Hilarious And Applauded The Strong Personality Willing To Wield Such A Ridiculous Coif For The Sake Of Hilarity At Their Own Expense.
Then It Started Popping Up Everywhere And The Hilarity Turned From Confusion To Horror As I Realised These People Were Totally Oblivious To The Fact They Look Like The Result Of A Weasel Having Fucked A Turkey.

Having Given Nothing Of Value To The Musical Fraternity Whatsoever, 'Emo' Music Went Further By Creating A Series Of Hairstyles No-One Had Ever Previously Been Stupid Enough To Wear. - But The Emo Style Of Haircut Isn't Really A 'Haircut',..It's On The WAY To Being A Haircut... & Then The Hairdresser Just,... Kind Of,..Stops
 -  & Then Charges Twice As Much.

While Growing Your Hair, There Is A Stage Called 'The Hat Stage' Where Your Hair Is Too Short Too Be Long And Too Long To Be Short.
The Resulting Shame Is Then Appropriately Shielded From The Public By Way Of A Hat.
To Think People Are Wilfully Broadcasting This Stage As The Final Result Is Something That Defies Logic And Reasoning.
Not Since The Faux-Hawk Has A Haircut Irritated Me SO Much.

It's 'Long Hair' For The Guy Who Is Scared Of Having Long Hair, And Doesn't Want Credibility Or Respect To Get In The Way Of First Impressions.
If One Of My Friends Got That Haircut, I'd Have To Let Them Go,..It's Just That Simple...
(And THAT Was The Result Of A Serious 'Sit Down' Think I Had.)
For Some People It's Nails Down A Chalk-Board, For Me, It's That Stupid Fucking 'Brushed To The Side Fringe' And Awkward 'Short' Long Hair Look.

The Other Day For Whatever Reason, I Started Watching The New Series Of Australian Big Brother.
The First Guy In The House Was Wearing The Haircut Of Douchedom And I Almost Threw Something At The Screen While Screaming 'WHY!!!!!???'
Ok, I Thought, So That's The Guy I Hate.... Where Are The Rest Of The People?

...Here's Where Things Get Strange...

I Am Now 55 Days/Episodes In, And The Guy With The 'Hair' Is My Favourite Guy In The House.
If He DOESN'T Win Big Brother,... I Might Cry.
Michael Is So Cool, Funny, Smart And Easygoing.
He Diffuses Any Tension, He Hates & Likes The Same People In The House As Me.
We Have The Same Opinion On Most Things.
There Are Times When He Said Things I Had Just Shouted At The Screen Moments Before.

When I Watch Now, I Actually Have To Concentrate To See His Stupid Haircut Because The Person He Is, Is So Excellent.
Sometimes Life Teaches You A Lesson, I Can't Help But Wonder How Many Times My Pre-Conceived Notions About How People Should Look, Act, And Be, Have Directly Severed A Valuable Friendship That Never Survived My Arrogant Initial Appraisal.

If You Have Nothing Going On, Watch Big Brother And Vote For Michael,...
He Survived My Unreasonable Evaluation, He Deserves To Win.


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