Monday 2 December 2013



People get so entrenched in their opinions and view on the world
it's crazy the way perceive the world and how set in stone people get about their opinions.
people will often become enamored by a person, idea, piece of art and through the process of identifying a piece of yourself in the art you appreciate it more than you otherwise would.
 - Given time your objectivity tends to skew because you've invested so much into it. -
Like an old shirt thats falling apart, but you cant throw it away no matter how many holes it has, because of the personal investment and associated memories.

Like Bon Jovi's: 'Slippery When Wet' album,...
when i hear that now, i can no longer view it objectively because its the soundtrack to my childhood,.. and because i love(d) my childhood, i appreciate that album beyond words.

In 1992 Jon Bon Jovi cut all his hair off and with it, went the hard rock edge to their music.
It was replaced with a more 'modern' sound, successfully ensuring that i would never again reach the same enthusiastic curiosity over any further albums.

Here's where i noticed i had a different take than most people.
When the new and 'improved' bon jovi hit the shelves people were praising it all over the place to the point where i thought id just heard a dud song and planned to hear more before forming an opinion.
- This short lived plan was quickly completed as i managed to skip through a friends copy,
before handing it back in dismay.
My hero's had fallen.

This is when i first noticed people had a tendency to keep liking things, they've previously decided they like. - Regardless of quality, flaws and sometimes even the law.
If they've made up their mind to like something,...
(depending on how young they are/were) they'll pretty much like it forever.

A great public example was the way people viewed the michael jackson case.
some people refused to believe that michael would do such things to children
but the refusal didn't come from an honest psychological assessment of michael's mental state,... it came from an inability to personally recategorize michael jackson from someone to be worshiped, into someone who should be chemically castrated.
The mental leap was too far to make.

It was no problem for people who didn't like him tho
in fact the less you like michael jackson, the MORE you WANT him to be dodgy because it proves that your opinion was superior and that everyone should like what you like.

Which makes you wonder,...
how much CAN someone who is loved by the public, ACTUALLY 'get away' with?
If Michael Jackson actually came out and said,.. "ok,.. its true,... i fancy little boys..."
there are fans... living on the world right now,.. that absolutely WOULD send their kids in.
Simply because they decided ages ago that they like Michael Jackson

The capacity to judge a situation on its own merits, and think critically is neutralized depending on the level of emotional attachment to whatever object or person

Its like that story, The Emperors New Clothes.
The Emperor comes traipsing down the road to a great fanfare in a glorious parade, with all of his subjects showering him with compliments on his fine new robes.
From the crowds of people, one boy points out that the King is in fact naked and has been the subject of a trick. - Because the people are unable to view the king with fault, the boy is punished.

Which brings me to my *****lica case.

It is no secret that i regard the band *****lica with a level of disgust equal to developing clumps of festering anal warts. - As you can imagine, harboring that opinion can end a conversation very quickly, ultimately leading me to forgo my explanation.

For starters, i should mention that *****lica used to be METALlica.
They literally AND philosophically put the Metal IN metallica.
They were a melting pot of ALL of the good bands before them, taking all the elements that worked, and forging them in a new way, with elements of class that seemed to belie their youthful shabby appearance. - These beer-swilling teenagers had successfully created something new, important and relevant that would actually change the world.
I could fill several rooms with my posters of them as a kid.
I saw their faces on a daily basis, knew them by name, and could recite full gate-sleeves without looking.
Within approximately 10 years, metallica put out 4 (and a half) solid albums
and then something happened

I knew something was up when i saw a picture where they had cut their hair.
I remember the entire album being streamed on the radio for the first time.
and panicking while on the 2nd song. - It was the 'opposite' of Metal.
My expectations weren't unreasonably high for the new album,..
i was willing to work with them as i had done with the black album,...
but 'this'?.....

Its like they had created something and then killed it on front of me.
Like they had just given birth to a mighty god sent here to improve humanity..
and while it was a vulnerable baby, ....strangled it,... just to watch the life drain from its face,... recorded it, packaged it up and marketed it as their new album.

What was more sick, was that people were actually lapping it up, saying it was amazing.

When Bon Jovi started sucking they did it in a way that was inoffensive, but *****lica did it with such a perverse pleasure in destroying something so precious that it seemed to be done with such purpose and delight.

I got home and looked at their faces on my wall,.. they were all liars.
Their transition from heroes to villains in my mind was completely involuntary.
At first i just tried to ignore it and hope it went away.
But it didn't.

The inconvenience of hating *****lica is not something i would have chosen for myself.
It excludes me from a lot of social groups and conversations.
I appear as an enemy to people unable to make the transition themselves.
Im sure some people think i hate *****lica simply because they love them.
This is not true,... i've tried many times to get back 'into' the old stuff
People always say the same thing.... "Yeah but what about the early stuff,.. it rules!"

This comment helps me to identify when people just cant let go of a pre-conceived notion because its too inconvenient for their mind to process.
My reply is always the same.
Imagine that you are a christian.
You believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ.
You have all of his book
One day he comes to earth,.. sets up churches and charity work.
Suddenly he is caught molesting an altar boy.
Could you still be a christian?

The fact is,... there would be an overwhelming amount of people that would.
Simply because the level of indoctrination surpasses their ability to think critically on the matter.

After some time i found that even listening to the 'good' stuff was stained with the memory of what they had done. - I just couldn't reconcile the old with the new.
The band was now an oxymoron.
Actually,...If they had changed their name, the boundless hate i have for them would dramatically subside - It offends me a SO much that they still bare the name of the baby god they strangled.

There is no hate without love.
I still notice my very first instinct when i see a picture of Metal-Lacker from the old days...
In a quick flash i'll feel like im seeing an old friends who i loved as if they were family, and then the flash is gone and i suddenly realize that they ruined the friendship by breaking into my house when i wasn't there, stole all of my stuff,.... broke things, and pissed on my bed.
So while there is hate there,... most of it is hurt feelings and a deep sense of betrayal.

While i DO have good memories, the bad memories not only outweigh them, but in fact directly contradict them. - I can even admit to having had the smallest measurable scale of hope. - Hope that they will suddenly be good again. - I have often wondered whether i am now a victim of my own pre-conceived notions and whether i even have the ability to judge a new album purely on its own merits.

 I found myself in a music shop one day idly flicking through cds, the shop radio was halfway through a song and something in the production and guitar tone made me stop what i was doing and focus,... the drums were mid paced to fast -  and the riff, while not special,...
 was,.. familiar?

There was a solo,...  and...
It was SO bad i actually started involuntarily laughing in the shop as i listened.
Once the vocals started again, i immediately realized i was listening to the new *****lica album.
They were actually TRYING to sound cool again.

Instead of taking pleasure in having my opinion conclusively validated.
It was something i was completely unprepared for.
I felt sorry for them. - In the same way you would view a hated maths teacher falling in a puddle, and laughing at them, only to discover they broke their ankle.

So as you can see when i say '*****lica' suck,...
its far more complex than just hating them for no reason.
I think i have earned the right to do so.
I understand that you may have greater difficulty in critically assessing the actions of someone you admire, but lets not forget: -  *****lica have sucked for TWICE as long, as they ever ruled.

- Thats just a fact.

Saturday 20 July 2013

Jason Becker - Metaphysical Messenger Of The Divine.

So, I Had This Dream The Other Night...
I Just Can't Stop Thinking About It So I Should Probably Share It With Myself Here.

I'm Fairly Sure That It Was Inspired By Actual Events.
In My Waking Life I Have Just Achieved A Degree Of Success With A Drum Program That Has Enabled Me To FINALLY Have An Outlet To Be Musically Creative Unaided.
I'm Pretty Stoked About That.

My Dream Was This:
I've Just Arrived At Jason Becker's House & I'm Visiting Him & His Dad Gary. - (Not Sure Why His Mum Wasn't There?) -
Gary & I Greet Each Other Casually & He Brings Me In To See Jason.
I Remember Feeling Apprehensive About What I'm Going To Say, & What The Polite Etiquette Is, For Starting A Conversation With Someone Who Can't Respond?
As I Approach His Wheelchair I See A Slight Change In His Eyes That Seems To Make His Entire Face Smile.
My Anxiety Is Depleting With Every Step Closer To Him.
I Stop At What I Think Is A Polite Distance Away,..
Not Too Far Away That I Make Him Feel Like He's Contagious & Not So Close That I'm In His Immediate Space.
As I Say 'Hi Jason!' ... He Raises His Arm Up For A Hug.
I Lean In & Suddenly Realize He 'Shouldnt' Be Able To Move.
"Hey!... You Can Move Your Ar..."
As His Arm Went Around My Neck, It Brought Me Closer To Him & The Temples Of Our Heads Touched.
The Very Moment The Sides Of Our Heads Made Contact I Was Immediately Struck With A Seizure.
It Felt Like I Was Painlessly Hit By A Truck, With The Sensation Of Going A Million Miles An Hour.
There Were Lights Flashing & Intense Colours Kaleidoscoping Across Each Other,
But The Thing That Captivated Me The Most Was This Incredible Music.
It Was As If A Billion Instruments Were All Playing In Unison, Yet Each Directly Accommodating & Facilitating Each Other.
Bursting Arpeggios At Lightning Speed, With Waves Of Counterpointing Melodies All Cascading Over Each Other, In Perfect, Impossible Harmony
I Gradually Became Aware Of My Sleeping Body,... Twitching & Writhing In Something Of A 'Soul-Gasm'
I Woke Up With Tears In My Eyes & A Better Understanding Of What God Is.

Friday 21 June 2013

The 'Lord Jesus Christ' - Holy Electrician.

Calling All Christian Friends!

Something Just Happened That Warrants Taking A Quick Poll

Lets Pretend That Your Tv Keeps Turning Itself Off...

Do You:
A = Search For Information On Google
B = Contact A Tv Repair Man
C = Pray To Jesus Christ To Fix Your Tv

Also, On An Unrelated Note,...
Do Any Of These Options Appear Thoroughly Batshit Crazy?

Thursday 25 April 2013


SO... It's Anzac Day.
The Day We Pay Homage To All The Fallen Hero's Who Served In Combat To Protect Our 'Way Of Life'.
I Shouldn't Really Have A Problem With That.
Yet I Have A Residual Uneasy Feeling.

I Have A Huge Problem With People Being Killed
And I Have A Problem With The Dashing Connotation Of Glory Within The Military.
The Army, Navy, And Any Other Faction That Involves Training With Weapons To Fight On Behalf Of Your Country.

In The Distant Past, During Times Of War The Public Were Called Upon To Fight For The Region They Loved And To Offer Their Lives If Necessary.
To Inspire A Willingness To Forfeit Their Lives The Leaders Fabricated Psychological Aids With Which To Increase The Level Of Personal Attachment Of The Soldiers To Their Home.
To Combat Sensible Thought, Every Country Introduced An Initiative To Make The Patriot Swell With Pride From The Inside To Ensure He Would GLADLY Die In Battle 'For His Country'

The Key To Successfully Initiating A Set Of Subtle Mind-Control Techniques, Is To Cover The Senses With A Suggestion Until The Mind Perceives It On Several Levels As A Positive Notion.
To Get People To Commit 'Honourable' Murder Is A Multi-Step Hypnosis,
Where Every Sense Is Bombarded With Information As To Why Killing Others Is A Positive Act Of Valour.
First, Is The Visual Side... Something That Can Be Looked At And Instill An Instant Swelling Of Pride.
THAT, Is Why Every Country Has A National Flag. (It Also Works For Sports, Music, & Advertising)

Next, Is Something People Can Hear And Immediately Associate Their Home With A Sound.
THAT Is Why Every Country Has A National Anthem.

When People Roleplay, The Disassociation From Their Normal Conduct Is Magnified When Inside A Costume.
THAT Is Why There Are Uniforms, With Trinkets Of 'Honour' (Medals) To Help Manipulate The Perception Of Combat To Be A Positive Experience Filled With Opportunity And Glory.
Instead Of The Mass Sanctioned Murder It ACTUALLY Is.

The Military Will Tell You They Make Everyone Do Things In Unison To Promote A Cohesiveness Within The Minds Of The Officers.
It Also Promotes Thoughtless Compliance And Unquestioning Allegiance To Those Who Command These Zombies Safely Away From Combat,... From Behind A Desk.

If You Are Still Reading This, And You Have People You Have Lost Through Warfare,.. Im Truly Sorry.
I'm Not Saying Your Person's Life Was Worthless
It Makes Me Sad To Think Of All The Good People That Have Been Lost Through All The Needless Wars Throughout The History Of The Earth.
There Has Been No Freedom Won That Could Not Have Been Attained Through Peaceful Means.
The Human Instinct To Leap To A Reactionary Stance Once A Perceived Threat Arrives Has Been Capitalized On By The Shepard's Of Consciousness Since The Beginning Of Time.
Nefarious Leaders Throughout History Have Even Said Outright That People Are FAR Easier To Control When They Are Frightened, Because Their Actions Become Predictable.

Mankind Needs To Realize That There Are A Range Of Options When Confronted With A Perceived Attack.
If EVERYONE Put Their Weapons Down There Would Be No Need To Fight.
There Is NOTHING Stronger Than A People Acting In Unison With An Absolute Respect For Life, And Viewing The Killing Of Someone Else As The Horrific Act Is ACTUALLY IS.

I Have No Respect For The Ranks, Or Decorations Of The Military Service,..
Only Sympathy.
Sympathy That The Level Of Indoctrination From Politics, Media And The Middle Ages Have Forced Themselves Upon The Psyche Of The People Serving Today,
Innocent People Who Are Oblivious To The Hypnosis They Are Under,... Future Corpses.

There Is NO Excuse For Taking Someone Else's Life.
There Are NO War 'Heroes'... Merely Survivors, And Victims Of War.

Saturday 30 March 2013

I Can't Decide Wether It's More ANNOYING, Or AMUSING When People Suddenly Decide Out Of The Blue To Promote A Cause.
A Cause They Previously Displayed No Interest In Whatsoever.
Suddenly They Busy Themselves With Clogging Up Facebook With Dramatic And Lengthy Posts Of Heartfelt Appeals Demanding The Injustices Be Stopped.
The Same Injustices They Didn't Care About Less Than 2 Days Ago.
I Even Know Someone Who Posts Pictures Of Tortured Animals, Pleading With People To Sign Petitions That Do NOTHING,... Followed Immediately By Pictures Of Him Holding A Dead Fish By The Gills And Posing Happily For The Camera.

I Don't Have A Problem With People Who Genuinely Support A Cause, But It's The People Who Suddenly Decide Out Of The Blue That They Are Vegetarians, And That EVERYONE Else Should Be Too, That Really Fuck Me Off.

It's Not About Bolstering Your Moral Fortitude....
It's About Creating A Feeling Of Exclusivity
It's NOTHING To Do With The Cause And EVERYTHING To Do With Them Finding A Way To Access A Way Of Feeling Superior To Others.

Its FAR More Inspiring For ME To Find Out YOU Are A Vegetarian, Than For YOU To Wank On About It Unmercifully Til I Just Want To Find A Panda And Eat It's Face.
So For The Love Of God, If YOU Suddenly Decide You Are Going To Stand For A Cause,.... That's Great, But Don't Force It Down Other People's Throat,.. Just DO It.
Set An Example By Shutting Your FUCKING Mouth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(P.S - I've Decided It's More ANNOYING Than AMUSING)

Wednesday 27 February 2013

The Day I Met Ripper Owens...

8-30pm Addy and i arrive at the Kings arms, there are a few people walking in to the place and some hanging outside.
Addy decides to stay in the car and try to have a rest while i wait outside in case Ripper walks out of the venue.
After a few minutes Mike Barclay arrives, entourage in tow.
We chat for a while, Addy joins us.
They go inside and Addy and i wait outside for the man with the voice.
Ollie walks past and i greet him and ask if Ripper has arrived yet.
He says...
"Nah im just off to pick him up....wanna come?"
I leap to attention... addy and i jump into the van.
We are now on our way to pick up Tim - The Ripper - Owens from the hotel.
I keep expecting to wake up at ANY moment. - I hear Addy saying ''I don't know how you do it,.. you tinny bugger!!"
We wait as Ollie goes in (Long hair, scruffy beard) walking through the glittering golden shiny doors and chuckle.
He comes back and we wait.

10 minutes later,.. Ripper walks out of the Shiny hotel, gear in tow.
Opens the side door of the van and loads his bag into he seat, greeting us casually.
I wait for him to get seated and comfortable before introducing myself and letting him have it.

I tell him that it was me that tagged him in my post that he replied to last night,.... he pretends to remember.
I tell him that he doesn't know it, but its actually our 14th year anniversary,.. that i've been with him since Winters Bane.
I mention that i even have the Brainicide demo's to which he is sufficiently impressed and starts to warm to me.
He tells me that hes still friends with the guys, and i say ''great, you can re-record the demo's!'' and he agrees, adding that some of that stuff was beyond it's time, and that he'd really like to.

We start talking about Winters Bane, and i try to convey JUST how much i LOVE the album, pointing out that Night Shade (My Favourite Song) isn't on the bonus disc, to which he furrows his brow in confusion, i hand him the CD and he scans it saying 'Oh.... that's weird!', while he has the cd, i hand him a pan and plead with him to sign it, he smiles, and says yeah sure.

I mention Lou St Paul, the guitarist from Winters Bane and my disappointment with the second album, i remember saying that "it just didn't take me where i needed to go'' and ask if there is any chance of a reunion, as i have heard he is 'temperamental' he pauses and says that Lou is a bit of a 'Rock Star',. we laugh and he adds that he has a family now and its difficult making room for the band when it isn't your 'job' - But... that he had always thought about doing a 'Heart Of A Killer' part 2,........a prequel!

I heartily agree and congratulate him on the excellent idea he just had.
By this time we've already arrived back at the venue, i plead for a photo and he happily obliges.
I thank him,.. he goes about his business, and Addy and i laugh at everything that just happened.

Fully satisfied we enter the venue and go straight to the shirts, only to see signed versions of Live Meltdown and Jugulator for sale also!!!
(the 2 cd's that were mysteriously absent that i wanted to get signed before i left home!)
I figured my personally signed Winters Bane was far better than the ones on offer and decide to just get a shirt.

We make our way to the outside seated area, and start casually chatting and laughing.
The other bands are playing, one after the other and eventually Mike Barclay spots us, sits down and takes us on long winding stories, fueled with alcohol the stories seem to be void of any particular destination, we endure them politely.
As this takes place a scruffy guy sits down, apparently having mis-heard part of our conversation and adds, i don't think your vocals were 'that' bad,.. i say 'thanks', and he asks/tells me to sing something, i see that he's actually quite drunk and hit him with a delightful version of 'Tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree'
He is not impressed.

I start to get the feeling the guy thinks im somebody im not.
I put this to him, and he squints at me and meekly mentions some band name.
I take great joy in telling him that i'm actually just 'some guy'

Mike picks up the conversation, something about going to the front to mosh and i say its not my scene, i just don't like it.
Drunky drunk guy tell me to 'get hard' and i tell him to take his top off and see where we go from there.
The guy looks at me like i'm from mars, then gradually joins the dots and smirks.

World war four are playing in the back, and Mike is off on a tangent, i hear every 5th word and try to join in with a 'yeah'...'true?!'...'No way!'
In my head i'm still in the van with Ripper.

Eventually....we hear some drums being mic-ed and decide to shuffle on in.
We take up residence at the back and prepare ourselves as best we can.

The drums kick off into Painkiller, and i am thrilled to hear every beat where it should be.
Having heard that the backing band were possibly not up to scratch, i soon notice that these guys are good.
Actually REALLY good! - I start grinning and start to drift off in my own little world.
- A Pig In Shit. -

After Painkiller, there was Burn In Hell which sounded awesome! -  then... (as far as i remember)
Scream Machine
The Ripper
Blood Stained
Victim Of Changes
Diamonds And Rust
Stand Up And Shout

Then he announced the next song by saying:
"You know when i was picked up from the hotel tonight, there was a fan waiting for me who told me he loved Winters Bane..where is he?
I SCREAM from the back and he goes 'oh, i would have thought you'd be at the front"
I immediately feel stink, like i should have been up the front.
Then he adds, its ok, the sound is better from back there anyway.
I immediately feel better!
He then says they don't usually perform this song but this one is for my buddy back there!

I scream myself hoarse, harmonizing the low parts to his high parts and trying to match the high screams.
I tear up a bit with a massive grin trying to remember if i've ever felt this good?!

At the end i salute him and he nods at me.

They then kick off into 'I am a Viking' by malmsteen, only to cut it into Rising Force!
A double whammy! - Nice one!
then The Human Race, then a ballady one i don't remember.
Wild Desert Plains
When The Eagle Cries
Mob Rules

Then they said thank you and left the stage, only to come back and do an encore, but silly Timmy forgot he's the singer and picked up the guitar, and they kicked into 'Living After Midnight' . - Tim played (under the watchful eye of the widdly guitarist who was nice enough to slide Tim's hand to the right frets) the whole song, and even the solo! - It was cool to see!
Then, they finished with Heaven And Hell.
As the audience screamed with delight Tim took off his hat, like he was about to throw it into the audience,...blocked the light from his eyes with his hand and pointed at ME. - I stood for a moment in absolute disbelief, before charging STRAIGHT through the endless wall of people,.. chanting ''sorry, excuse me, sorry excuse me'' til i arrived at the front row, i looked up to him and we bumped fists, and he handed me his hat, remarking 'sorry i spilt some beer on it'
I think i said something but i have literally no recollection of it,... i hope i was polite.
(i vaguely remember Mike Barclay staring at me as i took the hat like a unicorn had just flown out of my ass)

As i made my way back to Addy, everyone was looking at me, as if Ripper and i had our own 'In' joke that no-one else was part of.
I felt people trying to figure out who i was, as i was obviously someone of great importance, to be singled out by ripper twice.
I got back to Add,...and he was laughing at me.... so was i.

Then... Neil from Merrhis's work came up to me and handed me a Ripper pick, saying that he saw them the night before and was handed a bunch.
I thank him profusely, and as we leave, as if i hadn't got enough,.. i took a poster from the wall before turning to Mike Barclay and saying 'I wonder if i have enough to build my OWN Ripper at home?!?"


 THIS Glorious Piece Of Correspondence Was Completely Accidental.
It Just SO Happened That Leading Up To This Confrontation I Had Been Doing My Own Research Into How Christians Believe What They Do And Why.

When Held Up Against A Critical Eye There Is A LOT To Be Critical About.
I REALLY Wanted Some Of The Things I Said To Be Proven Wrong, Or Clarified But Unfortunately The Most Die-Hard Christians Don't Seem To Feel The Need To Research Their Own Religion.
To Do So Seems To Be A Personal Attack On Their God.

It Seems Blind Faith, And A Complete Disregard For Mankind's Instinct To Manipulate The Situation To His Own Advantage Plays A Huge Part In The Doctrine Of Christianity And In The Hands Of Some People Gives Them License To Be Self-Righteous, Judgmental, And Frankly The VERY People They Are Trying To Avoid.

One Thing Amused Me In This Battle Of Words.
The Fact That Our Roles By The End Of This Correspondence Were Seemingly Reversed.
It Was Me That Acted As If I Were The Good Christian, And She That Played The Name-Calling Aggressor, Condemning Me At Every Opportunity.
(Notice The Way Her Mood Turns When I Start To Reflect Her Own Attitude Back At Her, And Offer Her The Same Line Of Logic For My Own Argument.
So Hilariously Intolerant!!!!
Also Completely Predictable And Cliche'd

(Put The Jug On, This Is A Big Read!... But I Think Worth It)

P.S - Oh and FUCK Her!,...
 NOBODY Hassles DIO!!!!



Why Reason & Christianity Don't Mix - Part 2


Thursday 3 January 2013

So It's 2012...
I Wonder What This Year Has In Store?
I Actually Have Some Goals This Year.
Happy Apocalypse Everyone...

If I Wrote ONE SONG... I Would Be Happy If It Reached HALF The Impact Of This.
I Remember It From My Childhood, When Mum Used To Play It
Tho I Had No Idea How Profound The Lyrics Accompanying The Music Were.
The Older I Get, The Less I Can Hear Of This Song Without Getting Punched Violently In The Heart.
The Unison Of Sound, With The Content Of Lyrics, Matched With The Vocal Delivery....
It Truly Sounds Like The Feeling Of Having Lost Everything.
It Always Leaves Me Profoundly Emotional.

Every Element In This Song Paints A Picture.
I Can Physically Feel The Pain In His Voice Of Watching His Very Last Hope Disappear,
The Depression Of Working Hard His Entire Life Only To Watch It All Slip Through His Fingers.
Walking Through An Empty Home That Used To Be Filled With The Voices He Loved.
Sitting Down In A Darkened Room With A Brimming Ashtray, A Half-Empty Bottle Of Whiskey And A Guitar In An Attempt To Relieve A Pain That Just Won't Go Away.

People Don't Write Like This Anymore.